Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Been a Busy Day!!

I've spent the day helping my inlaws organize their kitchen cabinets.  I'm nowhere near finished!  At least I wasn't freezing in the snow! lol

This is officially Day 12 of the pantry challenge, hosted by Fishmama.  I haven't been majorly grocery shopping since December 23rd.  I have bought milk, some fresh produce, and some great deals.  I have spent considerably less while following this challenge.

Yesterday I organized my freezers which was such an eye opener.  I had no clue I had quite that much meat onhand.  I am going to do my best to stay on this challenge till February (but I get antsy when my reserves go down!).

Todays meals were strictly PANTRY!!!


4 Partial boxes of Toaster Struedels divided up. 


Left over Chicken and Dumplings, added a bag from the freezer to have enough for all 5 of us, my 2 nieces, and my mother- and father-in-law.


Left over goulash, left over green beans, left over mashed potatoes. 

Such a plain day, but it was all good, and NOTHING went to waste!  What a success!

After the day at my in-laws and seeing all the groceries they had that they had forgot about due to children helping them put it away, I was thinking, I wished I could encourage them to do a pantry challenge!  They would be so surprised!  I know I have been with my pantry!

Anybody else participating?  If you are, how are you doing??  Let me know!



    I have made some spread sheets to inventory my freezer, pantry and fridge/freezer inside. That was I can know what I have on hand. The Pantry Challenge has been easy so far....I will need to buy milk, cheese and some produce next week but thats allowable :)

  2. Awesome Michelle. I must say today was good as far as following the challenge, but my roasted chicken was horrible :( I didn't know you could mess that up, but I was not happy with it at all, everybody else seemed to like it tho.
